Our Backup Recovery & Disaster Solutions

As part of our range of  IT services, we offer regular data backup, storage, and reporting. We’re thorough in our backup processes so that your business is prepared in the event of a disaster. We offer full backup solutions, a comprehensive disaster recovery plan, and cloud backups as part of our services.


Backup Solutions – With our data backup solutions, we provide data archiving and secure data storage. We work with products that use certified data centres and have options for encryption, should you prefer an extra layer of security.


Disaster Recovery Plan – Our recovery plans are designed to restore your access to your data quickly and easily. With either bare metal disaster recovery on a bootable USB drive, virtual disaster recovery with a virtual machine, or another of our recovery options, your business will be back up and running in no time.


Cloud Backups – We provide cloud, hybrid, and onsite backups. Cloud backups are usually more secure, due to multiple authentication layers. Whichever you choose is fully managed by our IT professionals, and designed to protect your company’s data in a secure environment.

We enable you to:

  • Protect anything — systems, apps and data — whether it’s physical, virtual and or in the cloud.
  • Recover your environment in about 15 minutes with zero impact on users.
  • Replicate backups to remote sites and multiple clouds
  • Slash storage requirements and costs with software-defined data deduplication


Disaster recovery starts with solid backup

All disaster recovery strategies rely on a comprehensive backup and recovery solution. File-based backup and snapshot backups both offer powerful capabilities and many savvy IT organizations use both. Quest backup solutions offer both technologies and protect a wide range of systems, applications and storage devices, in physical and virtual environments, located in the data center, remote offices and in the cloud.

  • Easy to install, manage and maintain to lower total cost of ownership
  • Built-in encryption for data security – FIPS certified
  • Centralized management across the enterprise


Virtual standby on premises and in the cloud

Quickly implement a disaster recovery plan in your data center and in the cloud. Leverage snapshot backups and replicate them offsite to another facility or public cloud. Easily create virtual standby machines on premises and in your Microsoft Azure account in just a few clicks. Fast system and data recovery is assured by having continual updates processed to a virtual machine that can be activated immediately if there’s an issue with the primary server.

  • Gain near-instant recovery after a system failure or data center outage.
  • Leverage the cloud for disaster recovery to reduce IT costs and gain flexibility.
  • Replicate backups on premises, offsite and even to multiple clouds for redundancy.